Kannan Ayyar’s BLOG

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The Trump Playbook – We’re on to you

Donald Trump because of his position has the equivalent of a multi-billion dollar PR budget.  Whatever he says is covered by all types of media – TV, Web, Paper, Magazines they all cover him 24/7.  So he uses this PR coverage to rewrite history and simply repeat whatever he believes will make him look better. Regardless of how uncorrellated this is with the truth.

The latest example if this is with his rapid change in stance from the corona virus threat being a “hoax”  which he repeated incessantly at his rallies , to its a major pandemic and I’ve always said that.  This human has no shame and no connection or attachment to the the truth in any way shape or form.

His standard operating procedure is : Deny everything.  Admit nothing. Make counter accusations.  Accuse others of what you have done and are doing. Sadly we have seen this movie again and again with DJT. He creates so much noise … he destroys the signal.

Its amazing to watch , and so brazen to pull it off — but he is a unique creature. But Donald after 3+ years, we are on to you …

March 26, 2020 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment